There was that instantaneous attraction with him that I had always heard about, but had never experienced. As for everyone else I had been talking to, I could’ve cared less if I never heard from them again. But then again, I really want to keep seeing him. How could I be feeling this way? I still need to date more people. What if I want to start dating him? This was only our third date. I wasn’t expecting to like someone this much.

I started thinking to myself, how it felt like I hit a brick wall. I went home eager for our next date, which we had planned on for the weekend. It was so unexpected, and I loved every second of it. He stopped me under a streetlight, and said, “I have had a wonderful night with you.” He dipped me and kissed me right there. We strolled back to my car, but before we got there. I just thought to myself how lucky I was that I was with him that night, and that I think I could see myself really liking him at some point. And he was so personable talking to them. And then the actors from the actual play came out and started joking with us. Was this town called Swoon City? I think so. A sign for a local play caught my eye, and I went to read it. We finished the night with a walk around the town and it was lovely. Then we went to a bakery near by and shared a cannoli. I know it sounds like a weird mix, but these fries were the best sweet potato fries I have ever had. He took me to this adorable little town to a restaurant with killer sweet potato fries and sushi. Two days went by, and we had decided to go out to dinner.