This game is rated by 15635 users and followed by more then 14226 players around the world. This First person game have got total ratings of 96.68 out of 100 and an average ratings of 95.39 out of 100. It is Rated ‘M’ by ESRB which basically means that only 17+ players can play this game. It was released on and last updated on Sep 14, 2019. Vivendi Universal, Irrational Games, Livedoor, Activision are the official Publishers of the game. This game is developed by Sierra Entertainment.

#Swat 4 mods 2021 Pc
The game is available to play on PC (Microsoft Windows). SWAT 4 is a Wonderful Shooter, Strategy, Tactical based game released on PC. Vivendi Universal, Irrational Games, Livedoor, Activision On the most difficult level, Elite, players need a 95/100 to pass, and will fail for killing even a single suspect, losing more than two team members without committing an infraction, or committing any infraction in addition to being injured.

On the higher difficulty levels, more points are required to pass the mission, with 100 being perfect. Penalties are given for unauthorized use of force, injuries to hostages, officer incapacitation, and personal injury. Players may not fire on suspects with lethal weapons unless the suspect points their firearm at a fellow officer or a civilian.

In addition, players must follow strict protocol to ensure proper use of force. To simulate realistic police procedures, SWAT 4′ encourages the use of non-lethal force to subdue and arrest subjects rather than incapacitating or killing them.