Implement a postorder traversal algorithm.Find the third node in a singly linked list from an end.Find the length of a singly linked list.Remove duplicate nodes in an unsorted linked list.Reverse a singly linked list without recursion.Write a program to print the nodes in a circular linked list.How would you find the depth of a binary tree?.Enumerate key differences between insertion sort and selection sort.What is the significance of static methods and variables?.How is the Java platform different from other platforms?.State the significant features of the Java Programming language.What do you understand about namespace in Python?.What rules do local and global variables follow?.What is the procedure of memory management in Python?.What is a shuffle() method? Explain with an example.Explain the role of the debugger keywords in JavaScript.Differentiate between Node.js events and callbacks.State important SQL functions and their uses.How would you explain the event loop to a beginner?.What is the role of a callback function?.PayPal Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced If the candidate is marked high by most of the interviewers, the recruiter contacts them within 2-3 business days, and the offer letter is sent within a week. It includes both technical and behavioural questions. Managerial Round: Lasts for about 45 minutes.Candidates should also be prepared to answer PayPal interview questions on algorithms and data structures. The interviewer puts up resume based questions. Second Technical Interview: The duration is one hour.First Technical Interview: The candidate is given 2-3 coding questions that they are expected to solve within an hour.Online Test: Conducted on Hackerrank, this online round comprises two questions with 14 test cases each.What makes the PayPal interview process different from other companies? The two separate technical rounds prior to the in-person interview with the hiring manager. PayPal follows a candidate-friendly approach for on-campus grounds and focuses beyond an applicant's technical skills and expertise. The candidates are shortlisted based on their resumes and invited for an interview. The application process involves the submission of a customised resume and cover letter. PayPal conducts on-campus and open role interviews online. Leveraging innovative technologies, PayPal makes financial services and commerce more convenient, secure, and affordable for more than 425 million consumers worldwide. Headquartered in San Jose, California, US, the company has 26,500+ employees. PayPal's open digital payments infrastructure allows account holders to transact and interact online, on a mobile device, via app or in person. It empowers individuals and enterprises to participate and succeed in the global economy by accessing financial services. More recently Thiel has drawn criticism for his political lobbying, which included a high-profile endorsement of Donald Trump.Founded in 1998, PayPal democratises financial services. Portnoy later joined Thiel at his hedge fund, Clarium Capital, and the big-data firm Palantir, founded after PayPal was acquired in 2002. He said he was hired in 1999 by Thiel, then the CEO of the startup Confinity, because they'd bonded over a list of books he'd read while traveling around Europe. He was a vice president of finance at PayPal for three years.

Portnoy appeared on the podcast to discuss his memoir, "Silicon Valley Porn Star," which details his early career in Silicon Valley as well as his descent into and recovery from a porn addiction. And over time, gradually, the executives from the PayPal team who had no prior experience in the financial-services industry wound up ascending in the corporate culture and hierarchy, and I think possibly because they weren't weighed down by legacy ideas of how things should be done," he said. "PayPal merged with X.com, and X.com had a lot of former financial-industry people.